Internet Orders
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The world-wide web continues to be a major force in today's commerce and October Hill Software continues to develop leading edge technology to keep its customers ahead of the pack! The O.H.S. Internet Orders package will enable your valuable customers to send you orders for service directly from your web site.
Convenient • Easy To Use • Time Saver
Customer Convenience
The shipping public seem to spend more and more time on the internet. Internet P.O.D.'s have proven to be incredibly popular and is the service of choice for many major shippers throughout the country. Customers are already enjoying the speed and convenience of obtaining P.O.D. and billing data around the clock directly from your web site. By clicking on the "SEE A DEMO" button customers will soon be sending their orders to you directly from your web site as well.
Easy Intuitive To Use
The easy-to-use, formatted order entry screen allows customers to send you orders quickly and efficiently. The intuitive format assures you will be getting the important information you require to fulfill the service for your customer. The Athena systems will remember repetitive information from your customers thus shortcutting the data entry requirements for the customer significantly. Once the order is received and automatically printed in your dispatch office the Athena systems will send the customer an email thanking them for the order and presenting them with a confirming order number.
Anytime the dispatchers or customer service personnel don't have to retrieve a phone call to take an order it is time saved for other important service matters. The October Hill Software Internet Orders systems provide just less phone call to handle each and every time customers send you their orders. Between Internet Orders capabilities and Internet P.O.D. services, the potential for significant time savings is enormous; and the potential for happier, well served customers has already been proven.
SEE A DEMO Click Here
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at all at
319-859-5555, or, send us a request for information with by clicking here. |